Errors related to gaps in EFHM competency and improper performance during delivery account for nearly half of all malpractice claims in obstetrics. Implementing the RSQ® Solutions – Obstetrics Program helps reduce the risk of an adverse event and litigation. Developed and designed by an interdisciplinary team of nursing experts and nationally recognized physician leaders, the online CME/CE training addresses the highest-risk conditions, such as neonatal asphyxia, shoulder dystocia and postpartum hemorrhage. Select the plan that’s right for you below and keep every mother and baby in your unit safe.
Practical, relevant CME/CE training delivered through case-based scenarios challenges clinical judgment and improves decision-making.
This platform focuses on the highest-risk presentations, including shoulder dystocia and postpartum hemorrhage. Clinicians regularly review case-based courses and gain insight into their clinical practice patterns, helping them make meaningful practice changes to impact patient outcomes.
Heightened clinician awareness of high-risk situations and how to respond to them reduce the likelihood of adverse events and malpractice claims.